Using a traditional consulting company to write your business plan might make more sense when you are looking to raise a larger amount with your business plan. A lengthy plan with five years of financial projections might still cost a few thousand dollars, however, the total price can be much higher depending on the scope of work and the amount of consulting required. Some traditional consultants charge by the hour and let the customer decide how many hours client can budget for the work.
Our Cost
Our business plan writing services typically cost between $2,000 and $10,000 depending on the work that needs to be completed.
Another option for businesses looking for a business plan option is potentially doing some of the initial leg work and then working with a business plan company to finalize the business plan. A business plan can cost less if you do the research and make a draft on your own, and then introduce it to a company or consultant for review and completion. (We do these for $199 – $499 depending on the amount of legal assistance required.)
Our goal is to always provide you with a full scale approach, solution and results. Where we are different, we have a “$3 budget” approach… In which our main goal is to do better than the next guy but for less than the last guy.
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